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Meet Gina

Gina is a speaker, writer, certified life coach, lay counselor, medical actor, and retired teacher who has pondered for years, “What should I do when I grow up?” A tad later in life than she’d planned, the answer is finally becoming clear: ​Combine the truths of scripture with the tools of coaching to help women live grace infused, peace filled, purposeful lives.​


This wife, mom, grandma, and rookie social-media poster (Instagram still mystifies her!) believes when we step out in faith, our trust-worthy God is already blessing the outcome.

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Coffee on Desk

“I’m not sure why I’m telling you this . . . .” 

I've heard many versions of this statement over the years as people shared what was on their hearts with me. Even in grade school, kids would come up to me to talk about their troubles. (I know! I’m sure I offered stellar counsel from one 4th grader to another!) 

Growing up I took on a fixer role, hoping to smooth over conflict and keep the peace. I seemed to be hard-wired and conditioned by life to step into a “helper” career. I became a teacher, a Head Start director, a speaker and a consultant. Roles as wife, mom, friend, sister, daughter and neighbor rounded out the package. 


Gina's Story

Years of pouring out without pouring in began to take their toll.

I became drained, depressed, defeated.

Don’t get me wrong: caring for others is good!


God calls us to love him and love our neighbor. But healthy caring includes healthy boundaries, not taking on the responsibility for others’ choices. 

Thankfully, God led me to Lay Counselor and Coach Training, culminating in certification through Wellcoaches.

What a gift!

My work with my coach trainers and mentors taught me there is a way to be caring AND still have energy for a joy-filled life! 

Really! It’s possible to serve well AND not feel exhausted every night. 

That’s what I want for YOU! I want you to honor your servant’s heart AND do so from a FULL reservoir of physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional strength. 

We serve best when we serve from an overflowing well of hope and purpose. 

Writing on Her Journal

Are you ready? 

Are you tired of being tired? 

Do you want to look forward to your life? 

There IS a way to break old patterns and find a new path.

GROVE Coaching is about joining you on your journey of reflection, renewal,

and practical steps to achieve YOUR God-coached life!

My full site and coaching packages are launching oh-so-soon! 

If you want to stay in the loop, let's keep in touch!

Thanks! I can't wait to connect again soon.

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